Each year over 10,000,000,000 new screenplays are registered with the Writers Guild of America.
Only .000000001% of scripts sell.
So you could labor for a YEAR trying to write a great script that NEVER sells, or you could use some simple marketing tools and techniques to SELL YOUR SCRIPT TODAY.
Why not use advertising to help sell your screenplay? For instance:
Take out local TV ads for your screenplay, to advertise how great it is.
Testimonials. Submit your literary property with testimonials from various individuals saying how how they loved it (wink wink).
And what about making your script more appealing by setting it apart using some tricks from merchandising?
Scented pages. I like to spray my scripts with expensive cologne AND perfume to give the message... sexy, suave, sleek.
Gold ink. Print out your script on rice paper with gilded lettering in a fancy font like Zaph Chancery. It helps communicate the message, "This is quality. I'm being invited to an elite event. Me likeee."
Leather. Studio execs have it in their cars. So why shouldn't they see it as the pages of your script?
You also can experiment with subliminal advertising messages on the backs of the pages. IMPORTANT NOTE I learned the hard way: This has to be very subtle to work.
Suggested subliminal messages include:
Buy my script.
My script is great.
Hot sex.
Pay money for this now.
Buy buy buy buy buy buy buy.
By using a few tried and true techniques borrowed from the world of advertising, you can give your screenplay a suave-smelling, premium upholstery "edge" and make the top .0000000001%.
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