100% Surefire Way to Sell your Hollywood Movie Pitch

Here is a pro tip. When you're pitching your Hollywood Movie Idea, don't waste time talking about who the story is about, what's the genre, or who is the target audience.

You DON'T need all that.

Instead, boil down your pitch into TWO WORDS.

I know what you're thinking. Barton, can a two word pitch really sell? Can I truly strike Gower Avenue Gold walking into a meeting and saying just two words?

I, Barton J. Bukowski, assure you a two word pitch WILL sell.*

(*Provided the two words are the first name and the last name of a big movie star who has agreed to do your movie.)

Say those two words, leave the meeting, and wait for bags of cash to start raining down.

This technique also works with three words, e.g. "Guillermo del Toro"


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