The successful pitch: Establishing an emotional connection
IIt's important to make an emotional connection when you are pitching.
Therefore, BEFORE the meeting, always do the FOLLOWING:
Follow the person for several days before the pitch.
Find out stuff about them, for instance, what they buy at Trader Joe's.
Start out the meeting with, well, I notice that last night you bought the frozen barbecue chicken pizza while I was watching you at Trader Joes.
What could be more personal than that?
Go through their trash so you'll know their habits and intimate details.
Drop highly personal information within seconds of meeting them to break the ice.
"So how did your daughter Janie do at her seventh grade cheerleading tryouts yesterday?"
Try rooting through their trash the night before to find any intimate personal tidbits you can bring up in casual conversation.
"I noticed from your garbage that you were using Preparation H to treat hemmeroids."
You can't break the ice better than that.
You're sure to get a very emotional response.
Yes, you will probably scare the sh*t out of them and have them calling security on your ass.
Make sure to send them a follow-up personalized card after your arraignment for stalking.
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