How many times does it happen? We spend days writing a new script, say a drama, only to learn from a friend at the coffee house that "dramas are so yesterday."
Now suddenly the "in" thing is R rated comedy!
Oh great. And you just wasted 2 weeks! What to do?
Here is how to change your DRAMA into an R rated COMEDY in ten minutes or less, using the tried-and-true "find and replace" function of your script writing program:
Replace "cancer patient" with "busy uptight hero"
Replace "partner" with "boozy best friend"
Replace "disease" with "hilarious bar bet"
Replace "dies" with "drops the f bomb"
Replace "cemetery" with "bedroom"
Replace "death" with "sex"
You ALSO may wish to have every other dialogue block conclude with the word "dude."
For example:
You have an incurable disease, DUDE.
I don't love you any more, DUDE.
I stopped believing in happiness ten years ago, DUDE.
Notice that the "dude" turns any dramatic declaration into a hilarious one-liner.
Finally, add the adverb HILARIOUSLY so that it appears at least three times on ever page.
For instance:
Helen HILARIOUSLY throws her dead husband's journal into the fire.
Peter HILARIOUSLY looks at the body of his son for the last time.
The oncoming car crashes HILARIOUSLY into the family's minivan.
You see the difference? The word "hilariously" gets your reader in a comic frame of mind, so that the original dramatic statement becomes pie-in-the-face-level funny.
In another post, I'll show you how to turn your unsold R RATED COMEDIES into woke children's programming also using my patent-pending FIND AND REPLACE technology.
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